I Am Hiding
There are times when G‑d shows Himself in all that happens to you.
Then there are times when G‑d hides Himself within all that happens to you.
But He is always there.
It is only that there are times you stand in His light, and other times when you stand in His shadow.
And times when you have no light, no shadow. Not any name. Not anything we could describe or know.
Just “I.”
…and I, I will hide My face on that day…
(Deut. 31:18)
As in, “I am here within you as you find your own way through all this.”
So that you will find your own “I.” And your “I” will find His “I.”
And neither will ever again hide from the other.
(Likutei Sichot vol. 9, p. 195. Ibid vol. 6, p. 190.)
