Harness and Sublimate the Human Libido
Seven Laws for a Beautiful Planet, The Noahide Tradition
By Tzvi Freeman
The sixth principle of Noah is about harnessing and sublimating the human libido. Incest, adultery, rape and other licentious practices are forbidden by this principle.
Sexuality is the fountain of life and so nothing is more divine than the sexual act. So, too, nothing can be more debasing and destructive to the human being.
The union of man and woman is a reflection of the cosmic dance by which all things come to be. It is the union of heaven and earth, spiritual and material, soul and body, energy and matter, oneness and diversity. When man and woman unite in a harmonious, caring way, their union rings throughout the universe like a song resonating in a vast chamber.
All of reality plays along as an orchestra plays a grand concerto. They bring healing and blessing to the world, just as they bring new souls, dressed in pure and pristine light.
Yet, as with any art, to achieve such harmony is a struggle. As the artist must master his craft, choosing the beautiful and rejecting the ugly; as a musician disciplines his fingers and a dancer her limbs—so to this primal art of human union has its own rules and discipline.
As art is a supernatural act of the human being, so is marriage. It is not nature, but higher than nature. For some people this requires a superhuman effort.
That is what the beauty of human sexuality is all about: The ability to be supernatural. In the long run, nothing could be more satisfying and create more beauty.
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